There is one GREAT thing about living in America, breakfast!! Breakfast is usually big and greasy, and has everything you usually put on different dishes combined in one artery-clogging meal. Whether you wake up hungry for steak and eggs, or granola, waffles, or even a tofu scramble... it's all just minutes away. Everything is bigger and better and available 24/7. Last Sunday I woke up with the biggest pancake hunger ever. I needed it sweet, and I needed it fast.
Thank goodness we live just a short drive from "the Original Pancake House", which has the best coffee in town, hands down. And need I say free refills? All you can drink coffee and ice water. And we haven't even gotten to the pancakes yet.... there are dozens of varieties.... crepes, Swedish pancakes, silver dollar pancakes, old fluffy buttermilk pancakes...fruit, whipped cream, marmalade, tropical syrup, maple syrup, dusted sugar... oh, you name it. You can even get a bacon waffle with tiny bits of bacon inside. The omelets are also yummy, and they come with freshly made salsa.
But back to that particular Sunday.... I already knew what I was having. Chocolate chip buttermilk pancakes with whipped butter, fresh strawberries with whipped cream... and a good ol' dose of Maple syrup smothered all over. Mmmmmm.......
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