I am not good about diets, I don't get up early, and I am pretty lazy when it comes to housecleaning. But at least I admit it, right?
One of my favorite things is cuddling up in a blanket with a cup of tea, reading a good book. I welcome cooler weather just because of this.
Now, let's take a look at my Top 10 Guilty Pleasures!
1) I love reading glossy mags under the covers. Especially while eating popcorn. (Yes, it leaves a mess.)
2) Eating chocolate. LOTS!
3) Postponing chores..... I HATE chores. I'd rather surf the web and read about piglets.
4) Shopping!! (Savings account? Whaaaa..?)
5) Playing Super Nintendo.
6) Watching 90210! (Don't tell anyone, but I actually enjoy it. Love me some 90s retro action!)
7) Reading stuff that grosses me out... I know you like that too.
8) Pretending the bills don't exist. Out of sight, out of mind.
9) Iced Vanilla Lattes. (Daily. Don't tell hubby.)
10) Reading boring people's facebook statuses. I don't know why, but it amuses me.

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