Hello, I live in Sykkylven, Norway, and I......
*am at a party, introduce myself and the person tells me he/she already knows who I am, what I do and where I've been
*get stared at by folks who don't instantly recognize me
*crave diversity
*can get everywhere even if I don't have a car
*need to plan my shopping since everything closes down during the summer, holidays and on weekends
*always see the same people when I go "downtown"
*often get behind a tractor going down the road
*wish there were a place I could get an iced latte
*wish there were other people that didn't
a) work at Ekornes
b) are busy popping out kids
c) isolate themselves with their significant others
d) do all of the above
*find myself wondering why people consider this music
*wish there were other things to do than to join a soccer league, a marching band or the linedancing club
*really don't find Klypa funny at all
*wish more people didn't worship countrymusic
*still get taken away by the beautiful scenery every time I look out the window
*feel lucky to live close to my family :)
*am at a party, introduce myself and the person tells me he/she already knows who I am, what I do and where I've been
*get stared at by folks who don't instantly recognize me
*crave diversity
*can get everywhere even if I don't have a car
*need to plan my shopping since everything closes down during the summer, holidays and on weekends
*always see the same people when I go "downtown"
*often get behind a tractor going down the road
*wish there were a place I could get an iced latte
*wish there were other people that didn't
a) work at Ekornes
b) are busy popping out kids
c) isolate themselves with their significant others
d) do all of the above
*find myself wondering why people consider this music
*wish there were other things to do than to join a soccer league, a marching band or the linedancing club
*really don't find Klypa funny at all
*wish more people didn't worship countrymusic
*still get taken away by the beautiful scenery every time I look out the window
*feel lucky to live close to my family :)
Nive to have you back. Its not everyone in Sykkylven that loves country music - from USA. A few days we had a concert with to heavy rock bands, among them Strongwater from Sykkylven, far from the country fields og Tennesee. They have, through internet, more fans in US than in Norway. So it`s more behind the tractors than you imagine. I would be happy to inform you about that over a coffee latte by the local Vad cafe.
Eldar Høidal
Thanks for the comment! This was mostly meant to be ironic, and not to be taken too seriously ;) I like to make fun of my situation sometimes. And of course there are lots more to Sykkylven than what I mentioned... but if you read through my previous posts, you will find I like to poke fun of mostly everything, whether it be Norwegians, Americans, news or political issues. Keep in mind this blog is a personal outlet for whatever I am feeling at certain times. Having said that, you might be surprised that I am very familiar with Strongwater! My husband is a devoted fan (he is also a musicia), and we're friends with the guys in the band. I've known Odd Jan since high school :) Since I had to work, I couldn't attend the release party, but my hubby went and had an excellent time. Rock on!
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