Friday, November 26, 2010

It's a journey getting to work

On this particular Friday, 11-26, I was lucky enough to borrow my dad's car to get to work instead of standing out in sub-zero temperatures waiting for the bus. I'm battling a horrible cold, so thank you dad!

I live in Sykkylven, and it's about 24 km to work. That includes a ferry, two buses and a handful of tunnels. In other words - traveling takes considerate planning!

First, you get in line at Ørsneset to get on the ferry to Magerholm. It takes about 15 min to cross the fjord.

Brrrrr! It's cold! Trying my best to keep warm instead the car.

On board the ferry. I don't know how many cars this one takes... There's a restaurant inside where you can get refreshments. But it's expensive, so I don't recommend it. Unless you're on a road trip, I can't see why you wouldn't be able to go 15 min without food.

This is on the other side, at Magerholm.

Lots of tunnels along the way.

Lots and lots....

Getting closer to Ålesund. This is the old road to town. It's prettier with lots of nice buildings, and it has less traffic.

A park close to where I work.

And.... I've reached the final destination. Total travel time: 1 hour.

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