Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Daphne has her forever home!!

I love spending time with doggies. Anyone who knows me, knows how crazy I am about animals. If you have any spare time, I highly recommend using it to help those who cannot speak for themselves. A good start is to check out Lane County Animal Services' website. Here you can find information about becoming a volunteer, see the list of dogs and cats that are currently impounded, or numbers to call if you want to become a foster.

One of my favorite dogs, Daphne, has finally found her forever home. I couldn't be happier. Daphne was always happy to see me, she was all wiggles and smiles, and the sweetest bully mix ever. Just look at here... isn't she a cutie??


Denae said...

Yay Daphne!

Nella said...

I fostered a dog I found for a week! I still get to see him. Kudos to you for your good work! :)

Annie said...

Miss, I've been thinking about fostering, too!!